In the heart of Guatemala, a vibrant and lively nation, there is a pressing need for a sanctuary that nourishes the soul. This captivating country, nestled in the embrace of Central America, is a rich tapestry woven with diverse cultures and ancient traditions.

However, amidst the awe-inspiring natural beauty that surrounds them, the people long for a sacred space where they can come together as one, to honor their faith, seek comfort during difficult times, and nurture their spiritual growth.

The church we aspire to construct in Guatemala transcends mere bricks and mortar. It symbolizes the unity of countless souls on a quest for spiritual fulfillment. It serves as a living testament to our unwavering commitment to spreading the light of our faith far and wide.

This sanctuary will become the very foundation of the community, a haven where individuals can find solace and strength, a place where worship, celebration, and profound spiritual contemplation can take root and thrive.

Scope of the project

Our project in Guatemala is a comprehensive facility that caters to various community needs. Here is an overview of what we aim to achieve:

Worship Space: The sanctuary is the caliphate of the project, where the congregation can gather for religious services, prayer, and community events.

Educational Center: The church will have areas dedicated to spiritual education and community development. It will be a haven for individuals seeking to expand their knowledge, foster personal growth, and acquire wisdom that empowers them in their faith and daily lives.

Community Hub: The church will serve as a central hub for community engagement, hosting a wide range of events, activities, and outreach programs aimed at fostering unity, compassion, and service within the community.

Outreach Programs: Our project extends beyond the physical boundaries of the church. We also plan to initiate outreach programs that will provide support to residents, addressing critical needs such as food security, education, and healthcare.

Why Guatemala?

Life in Guatemala’s rugged terrain is a constant struggle for its people, who face the harsh reality of underemployment and rely on meager corn crops for sustenance. Economic challenges make each day a battle.

The most heartbreaking aspect of their lives is the alarming rates of chronic malnutrition, particularly among children under five years old. These innocent souls bear the burden of the highest rates of chronic malnutrition in the entire Western Hemisphere, depriving them of a healthy start in life.

Indigenous communities in Guatemala face numerous challenges that contribute to their low life expectancy. Alcoholism, malnutrition, and infectious diseases plague their lives, casting a dark shadow over their health and well-being.

Despite the struggles, the people of Guatemala hold strong to their spirituality, blending ancient Mayan and Catholic practices into a unique and complex tapestry of beliefs. While many identify as Christians, they remain steadfast in their ancient Mayan beliefs and pagan rituals, creating a religious system that can sometimes be contradictory.

However, despite their exposure to the concept of Jesus, many Guatemalans lack a deep understanding of who He truly is and the meaning of salvation. Bridging this gap requires hearing the Bible in their heart language, allowing them to fully grasp the message of hope and redemption it holds.

Join the movement

At First Congregational Church of Chadron, our goal is to create a community of dedicated followers of Christ who establish and nurture thriving churches in indigenous communities of Guatemala. We welcome individuals of all ages and backgrounds to join us.

Our vision is vibrant churches in Guatemala where everyone embraces Christ’s love and teachings, regardless of their background. Join us at First Congregational Church of Chadron to help empower the next generation for a brighter future in Guatemala.

Come with us on a journey that transcends your individual goals and desires. Join us in a mission that not only offers solace to the spirit but also brings a ray of hope to those who are facing difficulties. Let’s collaborate to effect change in the world and build a better future for everyone.